Report any defects immediately

Fri 03 Jan
SSN Drift/drammen_papirbredden-4486_xuu8uz

Any faults and defects in your student accommodation must be reported as soon as possible.

Help us by reporting defects and errors

We have a lot of student accommodations to inspect and do so on a regular basis, and particularly before new residents move in. Even so, there may be defects or errors that we fail to register. Therefore, we depend on our residents to inform us of defects and errors they discover.

You do this by registering your case in our contact form:

Register defect/error

Report as soon as possible

Complaints about any errors or defects must be made within a reasonable time after you move in. When you're moving out, it's important that you report any faults and defects BEFORE your contract expires.

When making reports/complaints, the resident implicitly grants the landlord, or a person authorised by the landlord, the right to access the property until the defect/fault is rectified (according to section 8.2 in the tenancy agreement).

Follow the progress on My page

Any other messages and requests for repair must be reported electronically via My Page. Our Operations Department will take care of such requests within 3-5 days. If it takes longer, the resident will be informed of further progress. On My page you can follow the inquiry and how it is handled. Where a need for emergency solutions is assessed, we will do our utmost to have them in place as soon as possible.

Critical defects or errors?

Always call the emergency number first!

In case of an accident, fire or other emergency, call the emergency numbers:

Fire: 110
Police: 112
Ambulance: 113
Emergency room: 116 117

Critical damages? Call SSN´s emergency number

If the fault/defect is critical or may represent a hazard for the property or its residents, please call SSN's emergency number 31 00 95 00.

Thank you for helping us!

Read more:

On you will find preventive advice and training on what to do in a crisis situation.

Do you have any questions?

You create a user on My Page yourself.

On My Page, you can apply for student housing and health expence refund. This is also where you report faults and deficiencies in your student housing, or report noise etc. This is also where those of you with a key card can change the PIN code to your card, or even lock yourself in digitally with My keycard.

You will also find an overview of your tenancy, such as an invoice for rent and you can apply for additional services such as storage or parking space. You see an overview of ongoing and previous applications.

Remember to update your contact information on My Page, for example if you change your telephone number or get a new e-mail address. It is important that your contact information is up to date, so that we as the lessor can get in touch with you. We usually use e-mail or SMS when we send you information.

Create a user account or log in to My Page.

Report errors / omissions to the janitor via My Page

We have janitors dedicated to all our student housings, which makes it extra safe and predictable to stay with us. You report messages / errors / defects or your need for repairs to the janitor via My Page, and the operations department will correct errors / defects within two days.

The operations department replaces light bulbs in all common rooms such as TV rooms, common kitchens, hallways and basement rooms. In your own unit, you report it to the janitor yourself if you need light bulbs (via My Page). If problems occur on fluorescent tubes / lighters and special bulbs, a message must also be entered on My page.

Questions about caretaker or cleaning services?

You can contact our operation or cleaning department if you have questions about our caretaker or cleaning services.

Contact us.

Quiet between 11 pm (12) and 8 am

According to the housing regulations, residents must not make noise after 23.00 Sunday-Thursday and after 24.00 Friday-Saturday.

If you are bothered by noisy neighbours, you may proceed as follows:

  • Talk to them and ask them to turn down the music and show consideration for others.

  • Talk to the welfare host at your building, he/she may be able to help. Contact information to your welfare host is available at My page on desktop or in the app under Student housing/My tenancy.

  • Send a complaint to SSN – remember to specify time, place and room number.

  • Call the police – phone: 02800.

After 11:00 pm on weekdays and 12:00 on days before public holidays, and until 08:00, there must be peace in the housing units, as well as on the property in general. This also includes the understanding that one must take into account one's co-tenants' need for peace of mind even during the day.

FAQ: Student housing