If you are a tenant who do not have a Norwegian bank account, you will need to transfer money to SSN´s account to pay the rent.
Name of Bank: Sparebank1, Midt-Norge
Bank address: 7467 Trondheim
Account number: 2480 2791 050
Iban number: NO41 2480 27 91050
BIC / SWIFT code: SPTRNO22 or you can use BIC / SWIFT code: VEFONO21
Account owner: Studentsamskipnaden i Sorost-Norge
Owners address: Raveien 189 B, 3184 Borre, Norway
Account title: Daily bank account SSN
We recommend that you add EUR 15 to cover any fees charged by your bank.
NB! Remember to identify the invoice you are transferring money for in the note field! Simply note the invoice number (fakturanummer).